Future Energy Exports CRC


Approved in 2020, the Future Energy Exports Cooperative Research Centre (FEnEx CRC) will execute cutting-edge, industry-led research, education and training to help sustain Australia’s position as a leading LNG exporter, and enable it to become the leading global Hydrogen exporter.

FEnEx Digital Technologies and Interoperability Program

This program will work to develop the industry-wide standards necessary to ensure new digital technologies for use in both LNG and hydrogen export are interoperable and provide a platform for demonstrating that interoperability. In parallel, emerging Industry 4.0 technologies for advanced process automation and control (e.g. digital twins, predictive maintenance sensing) will be benchmarked rigorously to demonstrate their fidelity and value.

The successful deployment of interoperable Industry 4.0 technologies in LNG and hydrogen export plants will enable:

  • increased throughput and energy efficiency through the improved understanding of the process delivered via advanced digital sensors and models, and
  • reduced maintenance and inventory costs through the ability to reliably predict equipment failure rates and thereby avoid excessive expenditure on contingent spares.

The program will leverage facilities available at the UWA Industry 4.0 Testlab for Energy & Resources Digital Interoperability, the CISCO Innovation Central Centre at Curtin, the ACEPT Facility at South Metropolitan TAFE and other data streams made available by industry partners.

FEnEx CRC and ERDi TestLab

The Testlab is a major R&D facility that FEnEx will access and utilise to conduct industry-driven projects central to its mission, particularly with the CRC participants working on Research Program 3: Digital Technologies & Interoperability.

To find out more, Contact Jill Stajduhar,  Chief Operating Officer, FEnEx CRC Email: jill.stajduhar@uwa.edu.au or visit https://www.fenex.org.au/

LNG Futures Facility

This facility is the flagship project for the Australian Centre for LNG Futures.

It will consist primarily of a small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant capable of producing up to 10-tonne-a-day of LNG. It will be fully functioning, complete LNG producing plant with the purpose of fulfilling research, training and technology demonstration objectives.

The LNG Futures Facility will be a national, open access resource providing direct benefits to Australian industry.

By providing a globally unique platform to demonstrate new technologies in a live plant environment, this facility will enable rapid deployment and adoption of innovative solutions by Australian producers, suppliers and consumers of LNG.

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